Tahquitz and Caramba June 2012

This was the third of our “training” backpacking trips this year. Unlike last year, when our primary training goal was to get acclimated to high elevation for an eventual summit of a fourteen thousand foot peak, this year our goal was to pay mere lip service to elevation-acclimation and endurance-training and simply go on a bunch of fun backpacking trips. Call it training if you like. I call it having fun!

On this trip we planned to start hiking in Idyllwild, from Humber Park. We wanted to climb up the Devils Slide Trail, then descend to Laws camp, where we would spent the night. The next day our goal was to descend even further in the Tahquitz Valley to Carumba Camp, to check out the waterfalls, but only as a day hike. On the third day we would exit via an alternate route, checking out a section of the Pacific Crest Trail.

Vicki enjoying the waterfall and pool at Carumba Camp

Click on the photo to read the complete Trip Report