Skyline Trail Oct 2010

We left San Diego at 1:30am (over an hour late!) for Palm Springs and the infamous Skyline Trail. My son and his friend were the cause of the delay, and they must take full responsibility for the consequences!

I came home from work Friday night, ate dinner, and got packed. I went to bed early, but I wasn’t very tired. I read in bed for an hour, then fell asleep. And hour later Vicki came to bed and woke me up. I started reading again, hoping to fall asleep. I got a little sleepy, so I turned out the light. I drifted in and out of sleep until 11:30, then got up and took a shower. Our original plan had been to leave punctually at 12am, but it was modified later on into a “One AM SHARP” departure. Naturally, this messed me up, and I woke up too early, as if it were still a midnight departure. And then the two young men delayed us even further, and we didn’t leave until 1:30! To add insult to injury, my son forgot his headlamp (for a night hike!) and, rather than turn the car around and wait while he tried to find it in his room, Vicki volunteered to let him use hers. Regardless, we were on our way, headed for a long day of hiking, and life was good again. Naturally, the youngsters slept like stones for the entire three hour ride, while I barely got a few winks of half-sleep; I’ve never liked sleeping in cars. I mostly read my book by headlamp, and watched the road going by. We got out of the car at the Palm Springs Art Museum parking lot, got our packs ready, and were finally hiking a bit past four AM, over an hour late!

Photo of me on the Skyline Trail, taken by Doreen the Skyline Queen on her 256th ascent

Click on the photo to read the complete Trip Report